City of Knoxville Public Works Complex

    • Government, Office Building

City of Knoxville Public Works Complex

Knoxville, Tennessee

ESG was selected to design the M/E/P/FP systems for this 45,000 sq. ft. facility. The building houses the City of Knoxville Public Services offices and Engineering.  In addition to the open office space concept, this facility includes housing clinic, physical therapy, shop spaces, meeting rooms, and construction offices.  A high efficiency Geothermal Mechanical system was utilized for this building, as well as many other energy efficient concepts for lighting, energy, and water conservation.  This building was a showcase to highlight the city’s commitment to sustainable design.  It was designed utilizing LEED standards and is expected to receive LEED Silver certification from USGBC.  The construction cost was $11.5M and was completed in the fall of 2016.
